Flexilube believes in providing superior products and outstanding services to our customers using sustainable and responsible business practices. Our ISO certification accomplishments also help maintain the health and safety of our employees, customers, and neighbors, as well as protect the environment. Please download copies of our ISO Policies and Certifications by clicking on the links below:
Flexilube ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
Flexilube ISO 14001:2015 Certificate
Flexilube ISO 45001:2018 Certificate
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) aims to ensure that the economy is structured and transformed to enable the meaningful participation of the majority of its citizens and to further create capacity within the broader economic landscape at all levels through skills development, employment equity, socio economic development, preferential procurement, enterprise development, especially small and medium enterprises, promoting the entry of black entrepreneurs into the mainstream of economic activity, and the advancement of co-operatives.
The ROSE Foundation's primary objective is to collect as much used lubricating oil as possible and to add as much value to this oil within the strictest environmental standards. Their stated objective is to encourage cleaner production before waste reduction and waste minimisation. Failing that they aim to recycle or reprocess used lube oil into economically valuable products. Their mission is to promote and encourage environmentally responsible management of used lubricating oils and related waste in South Africa.
Visit www.rosefoundation.org.za or Download our ROSE Foundation certificate
The South African Institute of Tribologists (SAIT) aims to promote technology transfer, whereby local tribological problems can be solved and products improved. The SAIT provides members with the opportunity to improve their basic knowledge of all aspects of tribology, to regularly update their technical knowledge, to meet with people, technical and commercial, both local and overseas, who are in tribology related industries, and to take this knowledge back to their companies to benefit from better machine efficiency, less downtime, and improved cost savings. www.sait.org.za
The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), is one of the largest professional societies in the field of tribology and lubrication technology, which serves more than 15,000 industry professionals worldwide. Their mission is to advance the science of tribology and the practice of lubrication engineering in order to foster innovation, improve the performance of equipment and products, conserve resources and protect the environment. www.stle.org
Through our sister company, EWOR Pty Ltd, we are able to offer our customers an environmentally responsible solution through the safe collection of their hazardous waste lubricating oil in line with waste legislation requirements in South Africa. This waste oil is not burnt, which would destroy the valuable lubricating oil constituent, but is rather recycled back to its original condition meeting all international lubricant standards.www.ewor.co.za
As a member of NORA, An Association of Responsible Recyclers, Flexilube is committed to the management of a sound environmental policy, a high standard of integrity and continual improvement.
Download our certificate here or visit the Nora website for more information